It is clear to me that my teacher, Julius Baker, affected the very trajectory of my life. I treasure my memories of him and of our times together, and I will always recall with great clarity the transcendent moments of hearing him play and talk about music. But equally important are my memories of his great sense of humor. He was clever, quick-witted, and he loved to laugh. I think for a young musician, or even one not so young, it is important to remember the power of humor and laughter to sustain us while we travel our lofty and serious path.
I hope, in my own teaching, to bring to my students love of music and the flute and the need for discipline and caring about every note we play. I also hope I teach my students to keep a sense of humor and never to forget the true joy of playing the flute. If I do all of this, I will truly be honoring Julie’s memory in a way I think he would appreciate.
“The Life and Legacy of Julius Baker” is my tribute to Julie given at a gathering celebrating his life at the Juilliard School in March of 2004.
“The Legacy of Julius Baker”—NFA Journal
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